Is this an example of ‘whole-of-society’ mobilisation to fix the job market? Employers who need to workers, connected to workers who need jobs, by a 3rd party - this time, a food delivery service. Who knows how helpful this might be but the spiritual uplift of a single person getting a job this way might overwhelm any ROI considerations. Interesting example of corporate collaboration. H/T to brainfooder Bas van de Haterd for the share in the online community. 10. Working for the Future 2024
It’s been a privilege to have brainfooder Tony Wilson on Brainfood Live - he’s one of the most respected commentators on the future of work in the UK context. His foundation, Institute of Employment Studies, outlines recommendations for the government on how to help the country increase its labour force participation rate. Bit wonkish, but important one for UK readers here.