Issue #333
26 Feb 2023
What do the labour market paradox, the immigration debate, development economics and workers fiscal relationship with the state have in common? They are all manifestations of the state of demographics. As the late Hans Rosling famously demonstrated in a series of thrilling talks in the 00’s, economic development at country level is closely correlated female education, the rise of which increases the labour force participation rate and decreases the fertility rate. The problem we are encountering now is….have we created a circumstance where it is economically irrational to have children? With two income households are often now no longer enough to maintain a family in middle class lifestyle, every economically advanced country is experiencing declining birthrate, exacerbating the age dependency ratio with every year. Are robots are the answer? More immigration? Fairer society for mothers? Don’t know but we got to talk about it. H/T to brainfooder Jacob Sten Madsen for the share in the online community